Syria hollow, Jewish, in Africa and not in Asia. Edom, Midian, Cadiz, cart, meaning Jordan, the valley of salt, Petra, Mount Seir, Ammonites, ... in Tunisia.
Which is tasked researchers to know the historical truth of the world today is a contradiction geography ancient truth and switch done by Jews Samaritans with the Romans, who turned to the Orient ambitions, especially after the emergence of the Prophet Jesus and his mother's prayers and peace and the end of the prophecy of the Jews.
Following the latter, which will be promised in the bright work of some belonging to one of the tribes to convert the names of all regions of the northern and southern Kingdom of Morocco to the Orient and in the area where they do not even one kingdom to one of the two kingdoms.
Vahtar researchers in the presence of Syrians who must be greater Dhahada on every search.
If we go back to what came from the Syrian deployment in the Middle Ages shows us that there are upper and lower Sorretan, and named the top North second Paljnobih. Indeed Alsorretan Egypt apart.
A document archaeological named Ebla discovered in the years 1974-1975 which clay figures, international relations and political and economic system. And through access to the reality of the expansion claimed King LEGAL Zagara of the city of "Uma" that dominated the region from the Gulf sea bottom and upper Mediterranean Sea.
He mentioned in this document the word, the upper Sea, which indicates that the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean presence on the Syrian coast.
It is here we can see that they were in North Africa.
In that period there were empires rival in the world's two Hittites They Syrians and who invaded North Africa where resides Mitanni they really Midianites Berber northern Libya with the Tunisian border. Proportion of people owe the people of the desert and still the city remember their name to the day which, Medenine. It appears that the Midianites hired Egyptians to expel the Hittites. So that campaign Thutmose I (1492 - 1504 BC). Syria, as the beginning of the confrontation between Pharaonic Egypt and Saudi Almitanih, he even set up a memorial to him in an island near Cadiz and there is no island in Syria and in fact the island is the Tunisian island of Djerba, Cadiz is a city of Gabes.
As a result of the help of greed, king of Egypt to occupy the center of Tunisia and eastern Algeria, whose capital was Tlapt ancient Canaanite city that understands its meaning. Hill Aybak, Tel saga, Tel glory, any Megiddo. Therefore village, which is called Bethlehem Thavea a really epic hill. Town Tunisian Feriana today.
Which will take place where the last war with the Antichrist.
And hired Madaaon then the Syrians to get the Egyptians from Morocco East in the year .1446. BC.. The battle took place west of the city of Siloam.
As I mentioned Ogarett of the city Mdaanyen which the Algerian town of Setif today and in the this debtor mayor called as ongoing eye old, appointed Tagrot appointed Tagrot is the oldest municipality in the state of Setif.
If we go back to travel.
Descendants of Midian living in the land of the children of Israel Vonbo God Bahlakem (counting p. 22 - 25). However they Antashoa after the strike and harassed the children of Israel defeat Gideon Vkedua Atlachon. In their conquest of this we read for the first time on the use of strings (Judges pp. 6, 7 and 8: 10 - 28 Omz 83: 9 and 11). It is then calculated with the Arabs and the Moabites. The apartments land of Midian (Love 3: 7) indicative of tents shepherds Midianites.
* Write error: Median, Medianiyon, Almidianiyon, Medianyen, Almidaanyen.
Ayub also said peace and blessings be upon him that was his 2000 sentences, and a tribe of Arabs called Midian as she and countless beauty travel judiciary. 7: 12.
And still to this day the cave in the south of Tunisia on the border with Libya called cave Ayoub which cave of Prophet Ayub.
The descendants of Abraham's son and his family prayers and peace, convicted
One of the children of Abraham from Keturah. Tech 25: 2 and 1 News 1: 32
Has been known publicly south of Tunisia's population that they were Arabs, especially Zaydis who are mentioned in the Bible as Zubdion. Awlad Zeid.
Has been mentioned in the Book of Deuteronomy and when he entered the Prophet Moses and his family prayers and peace Tunisian south.
19 When brought to the towards the children of Ammon, not Taadehm or assaulted them, because I do not give you from the land of the children of Ammon an inheritance, for I the children of Lot may give her an inheritance.
20 are also calculated land رفائيين. Alrvaúaon housing before, but the Ammonites call them Zmzmeyen.
It is worth mentioning that the Prophet Ismail him and his family prayers and peace seemed to be returned to the Holy Land to be buried with his father in a cave Almkvelah northern Samaria and near Siloam.
Or if they are bitten later returned to the Holy Land.
The people of this country worship Jehovah God who interpreted God. Mentioning the name of Almighty God before Islam and was the father of Prophet Muhammad and his family peace and blessings be named, Abdullah.
In Alhlisti era where Morocco was under the rule of the Persians and enter
Alexander the Great in the heart of the Persians which extended from sea to sea فعزل east from the west, where the income of the Libyan territory and Serena Jamahiriya, Corina, then battle licorice lowest in the south of Tunisia. Then turn to the north, where the great word of God in the city of Siloam Sulaileom Kasserine then entered Egypt, including to and from Sudan to East Asia.
Came in history counterfeiter.
After two major battles in Asia Minor, two battle Seranicos of 334 BC, and the battle Eyessus in 333 BC, opened gate Orient before Alexander the Great, and fell Persians beyond the Euphrates, Vtabat armies march southward and captured a Levant and went to Egypt in 331 BC. After him stabilized things in Egypt, Alexander returned to Syria Euphrates Vajtaz and sheep full Mesopotamia, then chased the Persians to their doorsteps, and continued his career in the east until he reached India in 326 BC, and there had to halt under the pressure of his army commanders and the general
Seranicos are Libyan Serena.
And its historical name is awarded the East Libya name Koranaúah or "Seranaike". The city is currently tracking Green Mountain Province.
And to write to the allowance battles Darta in Morocco or Africa said they Darta in Asia Minor.
Eyessus. Near a licorice perhaps the Tunisian town of Sousse.
And tell us the Holy Qur'aan line of centuries of Alexander the Great says.
They ask for a centuries Say I will read to you from a male
2. Verily We established his power in the land and gave him everything a reason
3. Follow reason
4. Even when he reached the setting of the sun, he found sets in muddy spring and then some people we found you a centuries either to freshen up and either take them Well
5. As of injustice will Nazbh then respond to the Lord unheard punishment will punish
6. The safe and work righteousness has its penalty bono and we will tell him hurry Yusra
7. Then he followed a
8. Even when he reached the sun and found it rising on a people we do not make them no shelter against
9. We also have taken with his story
10. Then he followed a
11. Even when he reached between two mountains found without them people can hardly understand a word
12. They said, a centuries that Gog and Magog are in the ground does make you went out to make the barrier between us and them
It Quran Aziz sure that Alexander the Great came from Greece to Morocco and then headed south and then turning east to the country of India.
Almkaben. Maccabee Maccabeus:
A title which was known Judah, which means "hammer" or "slapper. Tuareg are in Africa and they also founded Turkey and fired their name.
. Turkic Touareg. Tuareg.
And when Anatolia was divided into a number of small Hellenistic kingdoms that were gathered Turkey and Morocco East before they hit a بيثينيا, Cappadocia, Pergamum, and Pontus. When Islam came to Turkey
There were small kingdoms there nicknamed Turkmen.
And it seems that it is the process of migration from Morocco East.
Travel writer unknown but the travel itself carries the ultimate proof that the writer was a member of the Sdoukan.
The Sadducees were identified as residents of the city the Siloam center of Jewish worship but not religious center in the world because it was the city of God, peace.
The writer was people who love their country and devout believe that the people who are chosen by God to achieve their objectives in the ground.
Also believed to be guardians of the great God must be only the sons of Aaron and this also believe the Sadducees, the right to be followed religiously.
Returned Antiuks Ibefnss in 169 BC. M. of war with Egypt, which denied him the power of Rome to reap the fruit, because they are a year later in the war fourth ordered him firmly by Bomblos Agnes to leave Egypt immediately and permanently Vsb all his anger on the Jews and the Jewish religion in the country Morocco East and destroyed the Temple and gave the sow revenge massacre and beaten for the sanctity of that place Taher. also burned Jewish books, which had been affected by his hand and that was in the year of .165. BC..
Territory of Edom. City Feriana to Gafsa to the Sidi Bouzid bounded from the south region Hamma and Middle mandate of Sfax.
Came in Edom said.
It is located in a narrow rocky incision on the road from the valley of salt to Edom, who pass snag Akrbem, a strategic site be an impregnable fortress (Judges 1: 36 - and likely to be intended "Balamorien" here are "Aladumeon"). The victorious Amaziah king of Judah, Edom in the Valley of the salt, and it makes sense to turn his army to the fortress (2 Kings 14: 7). It is the head سالع threw prisoners (ten thousands) who took them from Edom, and died all (2 brother 25: 12), "and called her name Iktial" (2 Kings 14: 7 - and perhaps the same as the word "Icotheial" 1 Chronicles 4:18, which may mean "protection God.
The territory of Edom, the mandate of Gafsa, the territory of a rocky mountains where there are no plants appear red. Was mentioned in the Book of Aubedia: dwells in Mhaji rock. Also opened up the valley called Wadi al-Maleh, who is in the mandate of the plug and passes from the state of Sfax.
Genesis 36.
43 and Amir Magdiial and Prince Aaram. These princes of Edom, according to their homes in the land of their own. This is Esau Abu Edom
Magdiial is the Megiddon Tel glory. City Tlapt.
Aaram. Town, storm, south of Tunisia, a subsidiary of the mandate of the plug and this shows that Edom bounded on the south Madaaon population Medenine. Debtor. Modine. They are the children of Ammon.
When he arrived the Messenger of Allah Musa him and his family prayers and peace to Kadesh a plug-called in Roman history, Tkaben proportion of Maccabees, and was also called the Kingdom of Hama, a Hamma day, he sent messengers to Aladumiean to pass from their land but they refused at first but Shawwa them then to stay in the cart and the land on which they took from the land of deputies. came in came in Deuteronomy 2: 4, 8, they allowed them to pass and gave them food.
They tried to enter the Holy Land Psyllium, Siloam, Kasserine now but failed when the city Tlapt, Tel epic or Tel glory and there to this day كدية called, كدية Moses, and beside it a place called, hori, off a high mountain appears on each country which is closest to the be the Mount Hor Aaron's burial him and his family prayers and peace. This last point reached by the Prophet Moses and his family prayers and peace of the western side of the Holy Land. was Mstqarham in Mount Arabat in Gafsa, Mount cart.
Carts Arbatta, arbatta:
The vehicles intended here came in Greek: "ArBatta" In copying Aramaic First: Erdaft "In copying Aramaic other:" Nehrbtun "said Eusebius:" It was three miles Roman west of Beit Shan "and also said Rabbi Aodah:" The city of the limits Nissan name أربو.
And it went to Mount Nebo, Nuba, north-east of the city of Kasserine. Siloam.
As it relates to the northwest in Thebez, Tebessa, Algeria.
Hebrew name meaning "Zia or Baha" a town near Shechem included within the borders of Ephraim and in the midst of strong tower killed in front of Abimelech (Judges 9: 50-55 and 2 Samuel 11: 21)
Its was Tlapt or Gafsa Qbesal.
Label Gafsa Arabic is derived for the label Latin CAPSA invented DNA researcher. Morgan word (CAPSIEN) name of civilization dating back to the ancient stone ages. The point of Gafsa most important positions.
. The historian says "Rigas" that out of town France, but Europe in the stage of "Albaluotah" a phase "Alawrnyaka" arose from the arrival of waves of men of the city cage because effects in Gafsa before in history those same effects in Europe, which is kind of what happened found in "AURILLAC" in France.
It has been found in the era of Moses and forestry fields and wells and a main road going north and south (20: 17 and 19) and 0: 17 and 19)
A caravan route which runs from Tunis to far from the city of Ghadames on the Libyan border and the Romans called, Allmis.
Name سالع, now Petra or Wadi Musa, after taking Amaziah (2 Kings 14: 7). Perhaps be Iktial this is head سالع (2 Chronicles 25: 12).
But the fact that Petra is Magdiial after name change is indicated by the name Mount in so-called Tlapt, Alaatara.
The Iktail is the necks, which interpreted the same Nevsar murder Baktaial.
Jordan. Is Fayed in the state of Sidi Bouzid.
Fayed Tunisia.
Tunisian village surplus Bmatmdah Sidi Bouzid East of Sidi Bouzid in rural Tunisia, in point-kilometers 114 National Road No. 13, which is about 14 km from the town of Sidi Bouzid. Live thrones Alkdadshh and Alawash Alroalakeh, العوافي and beauty and Alabazer Alhawwamd and Alhijjawlah.
Tip Jordan and Agheid is flood and know this region Bsilaa much to guide all the valleys and meet as low land.
Came in the book first Almkaben.
45 Behold war before us and behind us, and Jordan water and jungle thickets and from here and there; is not for us from inevitable.
46 and now, Vasrjua to heaven Vtnqzu from the hands of your enemies. Then docked fighting.
47 extending Jonathan his hand to strike the Pkides Vansaa him back,
48 stoned Jonathan and his own in Jordan, and Aamoa lessons did not cross the Jordan to them.
Basra. Sabra in southern Tunisia.
Bozrah Bozrah: Hebrew name meaning (barn) as shown in (Micah two twelve) is beyond the city from the south reported to travel so far, an ancient city vulnerable in Edom The strongest forts in the northern half of Edom, and control on the road to Cart The port of Eilat, and thinks it "Sabra" modern located on a cliff, surrounded by valleys abysmal and located at a distance of thirty miles north of "Petra", and thinks others it now "Bustrh" located at a distance of fifty miles southeast Sea of Galilee, and a dozen miles from the Daosman (Fort crack).
باصر Basor, Bazor, Bosor In Greek "Bossro en Alemoij": Hebrew name meaning "fortress" which was originally one of the cities of refuge, which is endowed to Reuben then waived by the tribe of Levi (Deuteronomy 4:43 and Joshua 20: 8 and 21: 36) See also: (Chronicles 6: 78), where she was staying Jewish community in the era of the Maccabees. And located باصر distance of eight kilometers east of Heshbon, and 14 km northeast of Madaba. ".
Qurmaam. Continent ostriches Pferaana.
Qrnaúam Carnaim: or "Qrnim" a Hebrew name meaning "of centuries." This city is located at a distance of one mile east of the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan, which was once the capital's "Og" king of Bashan.! As is evident from its name is affiliated with structure Astaarot (Otrjtis) located there, called "Astaarot Qrnaúam." In this structure there was a statue of the goddess Astaarot his horns, and was the Temple of the capacity to accommodate thousands of men, and the Jews fled persecutors where he came from Judah and saved them, and to the same structure escaped soldiers Timutaws Ammonite Vtakbhm Judah Maccabee and burned structure entrapment (2 Mka 12: 21.26) .. "
Vltheon | Vlecion. Oilfield. Blister Tunisia.
Perhaps this is another image of the name "Palestinians" who are strong people who lived south of Palestine, and they were part of the army of David led Benaiah the son of Jehoiada (2 Samuel 8: 18 and 20: 23 and 1 Chronicles 18: 17). Accompanying these guards David during his escape from Absalom when rebellion him (2 Samuel 3:18 p.m.) and also in the campaign against Sheba the son of Bakri (2 Samuel 20: 7) and had Vltheon share in the coronation of Solomon (1 Kings 1:38 and 44). In some translations of the their name in the "messengers.
They are in fact the people of Tunisian blister, which derives its name from the name of one of the tribes, Naphtali.
Alnafttalaon. Said to them today Alinvath.
Muhammad Alam Din Askri. Kasserine. Tunisia.