الخميس، 8 أغسطس 2013

The occasion of Eid coincided largest two communities Almamenten the Alchristaah and Muslim. Proclaim you, all Thaioa peace for the return of Christ the King of the Prophet ..

The occasion of Eid coincided largest two communities
 Almamenten the Alchristaah and Muslim. Proclaim you, all Thaioa peace for the return of Christ the King of the Prophet ..

Peace be upon those who follow the Lord and guided him satisfaction and sincere faith and weft of God the Creator and His blessings.
I do not think it is a coincidence that meets feast of the Transfiguration Majeed with Eid al-Fitr in one day, it is a creator of the universe and the master and based ordering Allah, the Lord of the universe, especially in a time craves where everyone is for peace and love, after they fed on everyone to live with fear and absence of peace and the people of peace in each of the planet.
When progress on the religion of God Almighty does not keep the limits of Allah nor commandments Vnkuloa, human beings in every inch of ground.
Until we see today a playground for the devil you do not for a person infatuated natural disasters in all the land of Islam, the deterioration of the economy in all countries, the high cost of excessive blood, and the displacement of pain and strife forward do not always see her stop.
And not to us today, but to get back to the peace wrote that revealed by the Lord of peace to live in peace, and that we leave behind us and we follow the experiences of جربناها we saw her work, which is a comprehensive public corruption in everything.
I ask the people of the Torah, the Torah and the people of the Bible in the Gospel and the people of the Holy Qur'an to stop all this silence, which support the devil vocally and نجهر calling everywhere all including safe from the book no one else it does not in fact other Never even Osrrtm.
In preparation of what must be the world to descend of Jesus Christ and his mother's prayers and peace.
Call to God and to God's books revealed to us not only with wisdom and good advice, which is one of the qualities of God the Creator and the creation of men of God on earth does not bullets and blood.
Mohamed Allam religion

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