الخميس، 17 أكتوبر 2013

Prophecy of the discovery of the structure and the Holy Land in Tunisia.

Prophecy of the discovery of the structure and the Holy Land in Tunisia.
Of the things that masked priests and Jewish scholars as well as concealed Muslim scholars before, but not distorted much of the conversations for the premises and caused Baham and sometimes Turkey is the holiness of Tunisia Africa.

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Scientists assert Christians, Jews and Muslims to the land of salvation is the Midwest region Tunisian and Algerian middle east and hide it on the world with a view to their worldly or sectarian interests away from the debt , which claim that they are committed to it.
And how to be saved without the Holy Land , and without the coffin and loyal. ?
Is that the Imam Mahdi, if it appears in Mecca or Jerusalem celebrated the Zionists or the House of Saud ?
This is the fourth impossible.

Three things not of the meeting appeared in one place to be the emergence of the Holy Land , called in the forgotten land .
The coffin and Savior .
First seemed not the existence of the Imam in the Holy Land to allow him to learn geography and uncover its secrets .
Secondly, you must be the Holy Land, the land of free and not under occupation , because each system different from the Zionists will be impossible for the state 's adherence to what you see .

Today , we see that our region almost devoid of head of state until it became our four states without a president .
We do not see it , but planning of God the Creator to make these countries without the leadership to be easy for people to join the Muslim leader who will bring all mankind to the religion of God right away from extremism and terrorism and the arbitration laws of God, three of the safe out and be a constitution for their own world as Islam came right in the Koran Aziz and not Islam that we see today or hear among advocates of hell .

Prophecy says .
People aspire meeting and talk Bahawarb
Tmha become a story of miracles Algraúb
In the air we aspire Alash a dangler Haill pilot
On the ground we aspire meeting بحرك and iron continued
Tunisia reason cause affidavit categorically break.

Located move on the scientific session air Vriham people pictures and rather than actual Bodies .
And transported in this meeting Television miracle as mentioned in the prophecy are not the only religious miracle .
This will be the announcement of the discovery of a great religious
Appears as a miracle .
Pilot here . Satellite which is already hovering over a specific place in the sky.
And describes the meeting as will be Baltelovesh and online for saying iron engine and offline.
And identifies the place in which they appear Miracle says , Tunisia reason for this command.

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In the books came from Algeria and spatter ( Tunisia ) Alfrckcis the when Romans . Alvrchih the day. Kasserine Tunisia mandate and the mandate of Tebessa, Algeria .

5) Isaiah 40 : 15
Behold Nations as a point of bucket , كغبار the balance is calculated . Behold Algeria brought Kdqh !

6) Isaiah 41 : 1
« Ansta to O Algeria and renewed strength tribes . To come near and then speak . To move forward together to trial.

7) Isaiah 41 : 5
Considered Algeria afraid . Ends of the earth trembled . Approached and came .

8) Isaiah 42 : 4
Tireless not broken even put right in the ground, and wait for his law Algeria .
Is heard Bdzaúr the other on the planet. ?

Commentators have claimed for travel to Algeria is America

And Britain, while the Bible select a recipe for America

Britain , Australia and other nations run

Saying . ( Algeria remote )

1) Sirach 47: 17
Vmlotha like riddles . Your name amounted to Algeria away, and loved for your peace .

2) Isaiah 66 : 19
And I will make them a verse , and sent them to the United survivors , to Tarshish , soybeans and Lud Nazein in the bow, to Tubal, and Javan , to Algeria Baadhalta not heard nor saw expert Magdi , Vijbron بمجدي between nations .

3) the book of Jeremiah 31: 10
Hear the word of the Lord , O nations , and declare it in the isles afar off , and say : scattered Israel will gather him and guarded his flock sponsor .

While if I asked them about salvation say the North Africa region .

Is not this great falsehood ?
This is another prophecy emphasizes the overwhelming joy that will be witnessed

Sfatalh Sfântul Lau

Holy Lau

Sacred to the tribe of Levi.

Sbeitla mandate of Kasserine Tunisia.

The prophecies of Al al-Bayt in Tunisia Kasserine.

Kef O enough Alauaar and was Tgiu Alroaad .

And char O habitation shame Thni the and after what I Bade

Sbeitla Dart muffler and came her wedding Balmwayd the

In Sousse sign during the day and remains in eternity Shide

Of adults and children hit Wayne not escape تحايد

O , Lilac , O , who walked the first day I walked in Aalls and Alrdaed .

Weah Saadk O who walked the day what won benefits.

Kef Tunisian city of Ben Ali sent to the aircraft from Ikhavhm of the Tunisian army and a military helicopter crashed them .

They are the pioneers of the army as stated in prophecy ( Alroaad )

Char area in the state of Kasserine live in Tagash recently begun to improve due to projects

Marble and will be built by the Holy of Holies , God willing, great soon .

Sbeitla Sfatalh wore Muffler . Convicted and returned to God the Great .

And made an offering to God because of those great joy.

Sousse mandate of the Tunisian coast.

Mohamed Allem Din Askri

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