الثلاثاء، 26 فبراير 2013

Book. Tunisia is a land of peace

Writer Mohammed al-Askari poet and scholar of religions

We are a nation carried God's faithfulness and succeed him on the ground. God made ​​salvation of humanity on our hands hold torches light to dispel the darkness. Us God prayed for rain this planet, including pregnancy. A injustice and arbitrariness and capital dominated the destiny of peoples all over the world. Strive for the unity of human, each according to his belief does not compel anyone to faith in   our Lord because he said God does not cost soul beyond its scope. Not accept pursuant to an act of will. And they worship only between the Creator and Lord. Recognize all religions and we believe in and we adopt Venkds sanctify us and the believers believe. All our prophets news every senders messengers every holy sanctities. There is no holy God only in our country and all the righteous God who chose them sons of our country. We do not accept injustice and we come responsible for everything on this earth.God asks us for the hungry and the oppressed   why they are hungry or wronged. Ask us about corruption in the land and how be trustee trusted. Why leave Khalifa Lord   that the Lord commanded. We are all one nation teams, including stakeholders from every religion Vkzbwa Lord and distorted the religion did not remain on the ground did not distort or religion dominates his family. We young Muhammad is the messenger of the Worlds, and mercy for all men   raise all the religion of God lying liars who have inherited the tyranny of the first two and walked on their way instead of God's messengers they who were missionaries them hero of their faith to their disbelief Brzlem. Taking raise our voices Mnbarin who فسقوا and split up their religion and sects, and lied to the Lord and follow their whims address the world what God has revealed, not including lied criminals. Seeing and are certain that Abraham, Moses, Jesus God's messengers Lord of the Universe Great Creator who created everything.and today we see the planet threatened destruction comprehensive than spoil where people also know that the Promised had approached and we have no him inevitable and we can only join hands against spoilers where what they were and who led world Fjaa all the world without exception. not only find looting from every direction and We live in a time when bands that represent companies in every country of the world. also raise the human world Great Great Prophet Isa messenger of love and peace, and forbid him the land to be ruling us.

In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Even if they saw what they are promised Vsaalmon weaker in helpers and fewer number 0.24.

  Say know أقريب promised mother makes him Lord lasting .25. Gin.

Over the decades, people of other religions fans of themselves first and then to their religion and to their community. Has not delivered the nation from the temptation of difference and sedition straying from the religion of the true God. As did the Jews are the most Kedah to themselves and to everyone as did Christians and follow the Muslims or rather Arabs did fellow who predecessors.Like those before you were more of you and more power wealth and children Fastmtawa Bouklagahm Fastmtatm Bkhalaqkm also enjoyed those before Bouklagahm a خضتم like fought those deeds in this world and the Hereafter, and those are the losers .69. Repentance .

Vkfr Jews Christians and Kafr Christians Jews as Muslims Kafr everyone .

God Almighty said. The Jews are not Christians on something and said Christians are not Jews on everything and they recite the book also said those who do not know like saying God judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differ .113. Cow. And those who do not know they are illiterate .

The Almighty God said to His Prophet Muhammad and his family prayers and peace .

Had they stayed the Torah and the Gospel and what was revealed to them from their Lord, they ate from above them and from beneath their feet were frugal nation and many of them worsened working .66 .

O Prophet was sent down to you from your Lord and did not do, what amounted to his God protect you from the people that God does not guide the disbelieving folk .67. Table .

He left the command of Allah and overcome the nervousness was the state is the Almighty God .

But God does what he wants despite everyone. And pleases God applied to promise that no successor never to collect all of these on a kiss and one in the nation and one that fights corruption by their messages all and ordered Virtue and show mercy and let the peace. Was in the promise to His believing slaves in all divine books. God Almighty said. Had your Lord willed to make people of one nation and still different 118 .

However, from the womb of your Lord that created them and has the word Lord will fill Hell of Paradise and all the people 119. Hood .

As the Secretariat divine each parcel came Koran recognized in all heavenly religions even to the point of analysis for the people of the book. Muslims were another revelation came to them Vortoa whole message secretariat divine not overcook anything .

Left what was in the book and made ​​signs and other works did not work out falsely against God. Although each of the consignments landed in their country and all the prophets their children and there is no sacred vs. their country is not religious legacy of civilization can not hold on to it in any way .

To get back to the basic issue is the emergence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. I. When we say the maximum it seemed that there be a minimum and there first .

The mosque here is not inclusive but the place his pilgrimage people .

Hajj Mecca and Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem .

Vmkh is the first and Near Jerusalem and the third is the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Where the Al-Aqsa Mosque .

Al-Aqsa Mosque is built by Solomon, the son of David, peace be upon them both .

Solomon's temple was demolished and rebuilt 3 times

  According to historical sources has been building the structure and demolished three times has been the destruction of the city of Jerusalem and the Temple in 587 BC. At the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and enchant more population and the structure was rebuilt about 520 - 515 BC.

  And the demolition of the structure for the second time during المكدونيين rule by King Antiochus IV after the suppression of sedition by the Jews in 170 BC.

  And re-built structure for the third time at the hands of Herod, who became king on the Jews in 40 BC. Assisted the Romans .

  And the demolition of the structure for the third time by the Romans in AD 70 and destroyed the entire Holy of Holies .

He   dubbed the Holy of Holies. They are closely linked in a strike in the history of contemporary pharaohs, but before them were on the island. First reported the name of Jerusalem is engraved ancient Egyptian due to the nineteenth century BC, and it poured curse on Prince this city. Perhaps the meaning of this name is "the basis of peace" or "Asases god Shalem" and called this city in Psalm 76: 2 "Salem" and therefore are likely to Shalem Melchizedek was king is the same. Jerusalem (Genesis 14: 18). The names of Jerusalem Others are: - Jebus (Judges 7:10 p.m. and 11) Ariel (1 St. 29: 1) City of Justice (1 1 st: 26) and the city (Psalm 72: 16) and the city of Jerusalem or the Holy City (1 St. 48: 2 Humic 4 : 5 )

It is the first city to mention the name of God. Fujb Find Shalem, built on the River Gary turned the water in an underground channel length of 1,700 meters, is in the field of called Alqsarin. Beside the valley called Wadi normal after Salim quarter of a mile next to a monument to Roman Abraham, and next to it is also of Aloala monument to Absalom, the son of David, peace be upon him.Hurt this valley with the river in the valley of acacia and called Sindh tree which grows in him, and he kind of acacia called Acacia, which is the little valley runoff Bjanih appointed Salim to heal with hot water. In a deep ravine between two mountains. And next to a rocky hill high drawer Kalohram any cemetery cemetery there crucifixion of Christ, peace be upon him. Behind a high mountain city five hills on the eastern hill East built the Holy of Holies (Al-Aqsa Mosque). Find Ain called Ain stairs and take you to the mosque. The name of the mountain Mount Glory. Faced with this mountain find Mount said him Mount salmon. In this mountain there is the castle tower. And between them in the ravine Ole ancient well. The north of the city of Salem reign of King Sanballat was called Samaria   appointed under way but heavy runoff remnants of the old forms 5 meters wide beside a pond, behind the pond any Hmalleha there city Almkvelah and where the cave, which includes the patriarchs Abraham and his sons and peace be upon them. West of the   city of Salem are two cities and one ownership any which Megiddon capital and western epic house or Bethlehem. The city of Bethlehem, 30 kilometers as stated in a Roman document. South Bethlehem there guard كدية and where there is a cave includes the tomb of the Prophet Joshua, peace be upon him. It also came in travel north Mount Jaiss. This description of the city as stated in the travel. If we go back to history will find the city of that name only in Tunisia a Alceleom city in the Romanian language has been in this city empire Rome and the royal family (Flavius), which is still yet Dharaham based was unhurt. All of these details are present in its entirety today in the city of Kasserine (Alqsarin) previously fine detail. As mentioned Roman history martyrs Alceleom.

This historical note read.

Were persecutions throughout the Empire Romanian Christians hope in their response to the pagan religion, charge the vast majority of whom persecution flogged and strength has surprised many times their torturers themselves, were pain and death for the sake of God certificate to the health beliefs, and a great example of the tournament and magnanimity, and an example of their brothers in the faith.

At the end of the first century and the beginning of the second century, we find the Bible widespread in the U.S. Romanian in North Africa and Numidia (Algeria now), and lists we historical documents about the facts of the martyrdom of senior martyrs. wrote immediately after the death of the martyr, and record witnesses appointed, and sent copies of them to various churches. Among these documents and document «Martyrs psyllium» Kasserine find on this date that the church had been growing, has reached a number of churches at the end of the first century and the beginning of the second century on the outskirts of the city of Carthage to the seven churches, including the Church of psyllium, who had kept History document trial Christians from the church in Latin every detail.

As stated in the travel.

Epistle to the Hebrews 9

Then the first covenant had also ordinances serve the global and Jerusalem,

because the first monument housing which is called 'Jerusalem' which was a lighthouse, and the table, and the bread of the offering.

Behind the Veil second dwelling which is called 'Holy of Holies'

where the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round from every point of gold, which the premium of which went manna, and Aaron's rod that spawned, and the tables of the covenant.

and it Krupa glory cover Mazll. things we do not have now that we are talking about in detail.

6, and then it became this ripe Thus, enters the priests to the first housing all the while, constructors service.

The II prime priests only once a year, not without blood submitted on behalf of himself and the ignorance of the people,

announcing the Holy Spirit in this way Holies is yet to be seen, as long as his first home stay,

9, which is a symbol for the time being, in which offer gifts and sacrifices, can not on the one hand conscience complement that serves,

10 a list of foods and drinks and different washes and ordinances only physically, placed to the time of the reform.

11 But Jesus, which came priest of good things to come, Fbalmskn greatest and fullest, not made ​​with hands, that which is not of this creation,

Here we adopt that there first covenant, a Jerusalem built by Abraham, peace be upon him. They Mecca. And he called Balaalmi because he knows he Christj of the countries of the world as it is displayed today. He said his duties of serving the whole pilgrimage was a tradition for all what he did Ibrahim and his family in Mecca was the Messenger of Allah, Mohammad is the Messenger of Islam any tradition of making Mecca for all believers in God and Berahim peace and blessings be upon him, as are all of Holies on the ground.

The first housing which is called Jerusalem, and him saying., who was a lighthouse, and the table, and the bread of the offering. This Moses did the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. It Jerusalem. He said the second and behind the veil housing which is called the Holy of Holies. And explained to know that which was built by Solomon, peace be upon him said. the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round from every point of gold, which the premium of which went manna, and Aaron's rod that spawned, and the tables of the covenant.

And it Krupa glory cover Mazll.

He also confirmed that no pilgrimage in the Holy of Holies as long pilgrimage to Mecca, he said.

Declaring the Holy Spirit in this way Holies is yet to be seen, as long as his first home stay. The Holy Spirit is the Secretary Gabriel, peace be upon him and told that he does not appear as long as the pilgrimage to Mecca is based.

We also know that the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him said Samaritan.

The woman said to him: 'Lord, I see that you are a prophet 0.19.

20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem the position you should prostrate ».

21 Jesus said to her: «Woman, believe me, that time is coming, neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father ..

Gospel of John 4.

As well as the Holy of Holies or the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on a high gel so that Satan spoke to Jesus, peace be upon him and said to him, throw yourself on this mountain Lord Christfezk. Unlike Jerusalem now.

things that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw her hand of Judah and Jerusalem:

and be in the last days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be fixed at the top of the mountains, and rises above the hills, and carried him all the nations.

and going of many peoples, and say: «so go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, Faalmana of his ways and walk in the paths.because of Zion graduated Sharia, word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

spends between nations and do justice to the peoples of many, Fatabon their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore

Ezekiel 34: 14

       Oraaha in a good pasture, and stages on the high mountains of Israel. there stationed in stages Hassan, and in a creamy grazing pasture on the mountains of Israel.

As the Prophet Isaiah, who gave his name to Mount Alhaanbe that the Jews  would be deported from the Holy of Holies to Jerusalem in which the last promise to the Jews and achieved in the past century, he said.

Isaiah 0.65.

11 «But you who have left the Lord and forget my holy mountain, and arranged for Saad larger table, and filled the younger Saad wine mixed,

12 I your eyes to the sword, and Tgthon all of you for slaughter, because I called you did not answer, I spoke did not hear, but you would have evil in the eyes, and you choose unless families.

The Koran also proved as in the words.

The Jews are not Christians on something and said Christians are not Jews on everything and they recite the book also said those who do not know like saying God judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differ 0.113.

It is the darkest of those who prevent the mosques of God to mention his name and sought in its destruction of those what they are to gain entry but were afraid for them in this world and shame them in the Hereafter a great punishment 0.114.

  And Mashreq and Maghreb God wherever you turn, there is the Face of God that God broad Knowing 0.115. Cow.

The Jerusalem were not west of Mecca and was the first kiss of the West as stated in the Qur'an.

What was this revolution in Tunisia, which would be extended to the whole world only in pursuance of a promise and the Almighty God when they came in all divine books. Arabs have concealed everything related to northern Africa fanatical but they fabricated many conversations offend Berbers, calling بأشنع summers, although they say the time that he will judge the world conquest son Barbreeten and racing in the request of their parentage and the case that they are the sons of Abraham and his family prayers and peace. Came in all these revolutions travel to everyone knows it is God or ward to the Almighty commanded.

and the word of the Lord, saying:

«Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy and say to them: Thus saith the Lord to the shepherds: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who have been caring for themselves. not shepherds feed the sheep?

eat the fat, and Talpson wool, you slaughter chubby, not Tron sheep.

patient did Tqooh, and Elmejrouh did Tasboh, Broken did Tgbrōh, and excommunicate did Tstrdoh, wayward did not Ttalboh, but strongly and violently Tsulttm them.

Vtsttaat without a shepherd and مأكلا became all the beasts of the field, and have been separated.

lost sheep in the mountains, and on every high hill, and all the face of the earth. scattered my flock and did not ask or look for.

«Therefore, O shepherds, hear the word of the Lord:

As I live, saith the Lord, in that the sheep became the spoil and become sheep مأكلا each monster field, because there was no shepherd and Rati asked about my flock, and sponsored the shepherds themselves and did not care for my sheep,

Therefore, O shepherds, hear the word of the Lord:

10 Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I am against the shepherds and ask my flock from their hand, and their palms for grazing sheep, not shepherds feed themselves after, Vokhals my sheep from their mouths not be them مأكلا.

11 For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will ask for my sheep, and I miss.

12 also lacks shepherd his flock day be separated in the middle of his sheep, so I miss my sheep, and save it all places separated them on the day of clouds and fog.

13 and remove it from the peoples and most comprehensive of the land, and I will bring them to the land and Oraaha on the mountains of Israel, and in the valleys and in all the dwellings of the earth.

14 Oraaha in a good pasture, and stages on the high mountains of Israel. there stationed in stages Hassan, and in a creamy grazing pasture on the mountains of Israel.

15 I take care of my flock and Erdina, saith the Lord.

16 and ask for wayward, and redeem expelled, and forced Elixir, and Oasb the wounded, and exterminated chubby and strong, and Oraaha justly.

17 and you, my flock, thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and goats.

18 Aho small you have to good pasture Trawa, and the rest of Mraikm Tdossounaa Bergelkm, and drink from the deep waters, and the rest Tcderunha Boqdamkm?

19 and sheep graze dos your feet, and drink from the muddy feet!

20 «Therefore thus saith the Lord God to them: Behold, I will judge between the fat sheep and Shah Almhezwlh.

21 because you Bhzatm shoulder Paljnb, and Ntahtm patient Baqronkm even Sttaatmoha outside.

22 Vokhals flock not be thereafter Trophy, and judge between cattle and sheep.

23 and held by one sponsor Veraaha servant David, is sponsored by, and he shall be her sponsor.

24 I am the Lord will be their God, and my servant David president in the midst of them. I the Lord have spoken.

25 and cut them an era of peace, and remove the bad monsters of the earth, shall dwell in the land of assured and sleep in Aloaour.

26 and let them and about pool Okmte, and revealed to them the rain in his time Vtkon Rain pond.

27 and give the tree of the field fruit, and give the land yield, and be safe in their land, and know that I am the Lord when Txeira linking Naarham, and if rescued from the hands of those who enslaved them.

There are still 28 Nations Trophy, not eat them monster land, but live safe nor scary.

29 and held them Garcia's reputation there are still Mvnie hunger in the land, who do not have after calibration Nations.

30 and they shall know that I am the Lord their God with them, and they are popular house of Israel, saith the Lord.

31 and you, my flock, sheep Mrai, you people. I am your God, saith the Lord .

As everyone knows that Tarshish is the name of Tunisia names mentioned travel.

Isaiah 60: 9   

Algeria is waiting for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to come remote Bbenek and their silver and their gold with them, for the name of the Lord thy God, and the Holy One of Israel, because he has glory.

Algeria said it is waiting but Tunisia is the first revolution and after this statement and the fact and certainty.

God Almighty said.

Say that my Lord spewing right Knower of the Unseen

  Say the truth came what originates falsehood and restores

  Say, if misled it astray on myself though guided Fbma suggest to my Lord Ever-

'Yea panicked not missed and taken from nearby

  They believed in him and I have Altnaosh from afar

  They disbelieved in it by throwing the unseen from a distant place

  And tricks between them and their desires, as done بأشياعهم before they were indeed in suspicious 0.54. Sheba.
So the evil result panic and did not leave one of them and would refer God between them and their chairs as done بأشياعهم before 

Part II

Distinction among them was all the people, the people did not give the date of persecution by the Carthage any race or people, but everyone was working for the benefit of everyone making the people of the country are the leaders. They thus called historically - Berbers - the recipe is unacceptable and I hope that continues dictionaries as an adjective for the people of the country to receive the word in its meaning right on terror, for example, attitudes inhumane at all. They also interacted something with Phoenicians. As interaction some of them with the Romans They have studied and excelled Romans themselves was whom many scholars and saints and a book to remind them Augustine, Tertolaano Apuleius. As well as reference books is the Christian religion book - Alfrckcis - a Alvrachc book. As applied in the political and military institutions among whom was three tsars to Rome them Septimus Sevarius and his son Caracalla and Macrinos.
was also to Maureen strong presence even Andalusia knew after the conquest civilization Moorish and remind them of the West as 
. Moors / Moroccans.
including Almoravids and Almohads.
As mentioned them revolutionaries like Salabuss who resisted the Romans which - Slnbu - has been named in Tunisia city name to this day, which was published resistance in the Atlas Mountains but Romans managed him and killed him years 43. BC - AD.
The quartz were living on Egypt until Delta any way I creep Jewish across the West as Under Egyptian documents in the reign of Ramses III twenty-founder of the family are characterized by brown Bbashrthm as living west of Egypt. came in travel following.
1) Genesis 14: 7 and
then returned and came to the eye of Mchwet which is Kadesh. And beat each country Giants, and also the Amorites that dwell in the defenses of Tamar. (And forts Altamar means bastions dates).)
3) Genesis 3:21 p.m.
and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Jerjahien and Jebusites ».
5) Exodus 3: 8
down to rescue them from the hands of the Egyptians, and Oassadhm of those land to the land of good and spacious, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.
8) Exodus 11:23 p.m.
, the angel walks in front of you and come to your Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites, Vibadhm.
11) Travel Issue 21: 13
From there they journeyed, and encamped in the cross-Arnon, which in the wild, out for the border of the Amorites. Because Arnon is the border of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites.
15) Travel Issue 21: 29
Woe to you, O Moab. O nation Chemosh perished. May Sair sons Harbin and daughters in captivity to the king of the Amorites, Sihon.
, and there exists tribe wisdom Kairouan, one of the tribes of Israel and still champions today exists private Batallh that Shiloh or Thanh Shiloh has mentioned him as follows.
Hebrew name was probably meant "Mufleh" which :
(1) Packer, from brown (1 Chronicles 7: 8).
(2) I'm Emre Perez, from Winnie Judah (1 Chronicles 9: 4).
(3) the son of Michael, the head of the house of Issachar, in the judgment of David ( 1 Chronicles 27: 18).
(4) one of the kings of Israel, and it was before he took the throne commander of the Army of the children of Israel in the time of kings Baasha and Elah. The based siege Jbthon, when Palestinian city Link news seizure of power by Zimri and killed the king of Elah. The Zimri commander last in the army of the sons of Israel Fbaya army Omri king, refused to swear allegiance Zimri, and before I so led his troops in the city of Tirzah, the capital of Zimri and the realized Zimri not hope of salvation committed suicide that burned himself and his home (1 ml 16: 15-20 ), but the people of Anksen on two fronts, one with the old, and the other with the adoption of bin gene. The split lasted until the death of adoption after five years Vcefa atmosphere for my age (1 Kings 16: 21-23). When Brown was the city of Samaria, and the transfer of the management of the country and make it his capital, after it was Tirzah is the capital (1 Kings 16: 24). I did not work right in the eyes of the Lord. And Abdul idols worshiped Jeroboam. The work of evil unless doing any property by him of the kings of Israel (1 Kings 16: 26 Mikh 6: 16). He died and was buried in Samaria about 874 BC.. And was succeeded by his son Ahab (1 Kings 16: 28). I was famous in the children of Israel's relations with Phoenicia and Assyria and Moab. He called Assyrians kingdom of Israel "House Khumri" rate him.
and House Khumri left of them Mountains Khmer. and family Khemiri.
There is also the title of the tribe of Issachar to the day the title himself - family Alsakra - and the city of Tirzah is a city of Kairouan and still bathroom hot Roman same name almost a - Bath Trzh - as Antqunha today and if Ntguenaha sense right Nntgaha as it is - Tirzah - which belong to the Commissioner for eyebrow eye was this place is the first place where he found Benoit Israel fruits varied after their exit from the hot desert has stated Valley Zrad a valley Zrud
and there is something else I want to Ibanh For the general public is.
said Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon his family and him told us Qutaybah bin Saeed told us Abdul Aziz means ibn Muhammad from a bull, a bin Zaid Daily from Abu Ghaith from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet peace be upon him said you heard in part by the land and partly in the sea they said yes O Messenger of Allah said is not even at conquered Seventy thousand structures Isaac If جاؤوها pitched did not fight with a weapon did not throw an arrow saying there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the greatest Cuomo one side said Thor I only know said that in the sea and then say the second is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest Cuomo part other then say the third is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest Fafarag them Vidkhaloha Fagnamwa While they share the spoils as came to them Alsrich said that the Antichrist has come out Vircn everything and return
true Imam Muslim.
Ibn Khaldun.
disagreed Alnsabon in Berber ratios varies a lot, and discussed it long. Some of them said: They're born to Abraham, peace be upon him from son Nakecan.They said that theirs Goliath who was killed by David blessings and peace.
At this really say to that when he arrived Moses and Aaron to southern Tunisia in Kadesh Naphtali that plug today said they Ammon any children cousins ​​to Israel
because they nephews of Abraham peace be upon him and owe that sets the Moses only city Medenine in southern Tunisia ..
20. occurred after these things, that Abraham told told
him: «Behold Queen was born is also Benin Nahor
your brother:
21 Aossa reel, Bouza brother, and Qmoial father of Aram,
22 and dogma and Hzoa and Veldash and Edlav and Bethuel » .
Bethuel was born 23 Rebekah. These eight born to
Queen Abraham's brother Nahor.
24 and the concubine, and name Rúma, she bore are
also: Tabh and Jahm Tahac and Maacah.
whatever is left of these names today only villages. Hzoh. And built Khaddash which was originally Veldash.
has identified travel place ten tribes lost children of Israel in.
and in that day that Mr. restores his hand
again to acquire the rest of the people, which remained, from
Assyria, and from Egypt, and Pathros, and Kush, and
Elam, Shinar, and Hama, and islands of the sea.
these are places where the children of Israel who have forgotten their lineage estimate of the Almighty God. though it did not get what they entered Islam intolerant of religion, but God provides for what he wants. I remember some of these tribes.
boys Bouazza
Boaz, Ben Salmon, Ben Nahshon,
33 son of Amminadab, Ben Aram, Ben Hezron, Ben Perez,
son of Judah,
34, son of Jacob, Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Ibrahim, Ben Terah,
Ben Nahor,
35 Ben saddles , Ben Reu, Ben Peleg, Ben transient, Ben Salah,
36 Ben Cainan, Ben Arphaxad, Ben Sam, son of Noah, Ben Lamech,
37 Ben Methuselah, Ben Enoch, Ben Yard, Ben
Mahalaleel, Ben Cainan,
Ben Enosh, Ben Shit , son of Adam ..
Note here can not be any human or any other researcher on the ground that mention any true proportions up to Noah how to Adam, peace be upon them both. Because the years beyond all conception. We note that even in the changed life expectancy pension on the ground and that was the time of Noah PBUH than a thousand years of the adoption of human beings on the grain rather than grain and fertile soil and purity Albih.
also note that humans when he came to earth was a length 35 meters and remains today is up to two meters on average.
testimony Koran Allah Ali al-Hakim said.
then in the chain whereof the length is seventy cubits
Vaskouh .32. Reality. Believe God Almighty
built once.
these born Perez: Perez was born Hezron,
19 and Hezron born Ram, and Ram was born Amminadab,
20 and Amminadab born Nahshon, and Nahshon Born salmon,
21 and salmon born Boaz, and Boaz begat Obed,
22 and Obed was born Jesse, And Jesse was born David.
and Boaz this was clan Aliamalk and when he got married to a woman Moabah which accent
to Asraúlah name Naomi migrated from Feriana to the south of Gafsa day he died
two sons after their wedding Fterka Amrotehma when mother Faragat mother to her country
and there calling itself - once - for her Bibnyha and re-entry from other
name was one Knadtha Ruth Moabah to marry Boaz planning of mother
Naomi. Furth Boaz man Naomi Alemlk marrying accent Ruth became sons Ruth
of Boaz built once the proportion of Jeddah Naomi and sons Boaz of other boys Bouazza. has
stated in Ruth .1. Miley.
20 said to them: «Do not call me Naomi, but call me back,
because Almighty has ordered me too.
21 I went full and Erjni Lord empty.
Why do you call me Naomi, and the Lord has أذلني and the Almighty
may Xrna? »
22 Faragat Naomi and Ruth Moabah accent with her,
which returned from the country of Moab, and came to Bethlehem in the
beginning of barley harvest. And named Moab on the
southwestern flank of the mandate of Kasserine and Gafsa mandate includes and Algerian Mjoorh areas
of Gafsa, it was home to Esau Jacob's brother, peace be upon him and Esau
is Edom. Makthert livestock Esau turned to the southeast. According to a travel
configuration .38.
1 and this born Esau, who is Edom.
2 taking Esau wives of the daughters of Canaan: except girl
Elon the Hittite, and Oholibamah girl meant girl Zibeon
3 and Basma girl Ismail sister Nbayut.
4 bare except for Esau Eliphaz, Basma was born Reuel,
5, and bare Oholibamah: Jeush Aalam and Korah. These
sons of Esau who were born to him in the land of Canaan.
6 and then took Esau his wives and sons and daughters and all
the souls of his house, and his cattle and all Bhaúmh every Held
, who acquired the land of Canaan, and went to another land
from the face of Jacob his brother,.
7 because their property was too much on the housing together,
could not land Grepetthma that تحملهما for
8 dwelt Esau in Mount Seir. And Esau is Edom.
thus became Boaz tribes with great one begrudge it Arab and other
begrudge it barbaric. has switched from Mount Seir who in the state of Gafsa a mountain
live adjacent to Mount Salmon, who is a mountain Salloum today to Sudan and here as
a mountain called their name to the day a mountain - time.
family boys Assal.
boys Assal are tribe spread across the country and Islamic them Muslims, including
Christians. As Christians was mostly in Egypt and the Muslim tread North Africa. they are present in Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya ...
and this family of reputations in their knowledge, especially in Christianity during the reign of the Ayyubid Islamic in Egypt, where Tboaoa important centers in the state. with ties to the church
who were able to influence.
has left several books on theology and doctrine and the Coptic language.
also known them when Muslims Alkthermenhm. Sheikh Othman Ibn Ahmad Ibn Osman Osaily. Noor bin Mohammed Osaily. Charafeddine Osaily Conclave ...
Some may disagree in their origin, their history took something of a mystery. them of Arab descent to them of their lineage to the Copts. He has written Aloagomanos Velotheios Ibrahim released 1886 in which he said that they are descended from a Copt. They were said to Sdment face tribal and nothing to cousins ​​of the saint world Rev. Peter Sudmenty.
fact that they are the sons of Benjamin, son of Jacob son of Isaac son of Abraham peace be upon them. and hard by the larger is (Aasial) a.
son Abner and Prime sons of Benjamin.
came in. Genesis 35.
23 sons of Leah: Reuben Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun.
24 and sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin. 
. 23 sons of Leah: Reuben Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun.
24 and sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin.
. came travel in .25 and a son Bilhah Rachel's ongoing: Dan and Naphtali.
Chronicles the first 27: 21.
to the half-tribe of Manasseh in Gilead: Lido bin Zakaria. Benjamin: Aasiial bin 

Tribe major branched into many branches hard by the larger is Henadad ..
Hebrew name was probably meant "Hanan threatened" the founder's family to OUEN, humerus sons Zerubbabel
in time that was placed where the foundations of the Temple (Ezra 9: 3), and helped in the restoration of
wall of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 18: 3).
1) Ezra 3: 9. and stop Joshua with his sons and his brothers,
Kadmiel and his sons Judah together to debate on
global employment in the house of God, and brown Henadad with
their sons and their brethren the Levites.
2). Nehemiah 3:18 and after Renovated brothers Powai bin
Henadad Prime semicircle Keilah.
3). Nehemiah: 24 After him repaired Binnui bin Henadad section
II, of the house of Azariah to the corner and to
4). Nehemiah 10: 9 and the Levites: Jeshua Ben Oznaa
and Binnui of the sons of Henadad Kadmiel.
. there are a large tribe most in Algeria and Tunisia. them. Yahyaoui. Brtoula
. Winners. Halimi. Delhoma. And Jnhaoa. Boys Khalifa. Boys rider.
and Nasrla and Geraúda ...
Ezz .3.9. and stop Joshua with his sons and his brothers, Kadmiel and his sons Judah together to debate
on global employment in the house of God and the children of Henadad with their sons and their brethren
Nehemiah .3-24. After him repaired Binnui bin Henadad section
II, of the house of Azariah to the corner and to
Attfah. And still today the name of this Attfah as kindness. Illusion of Leviticus
have passed their Mr. Mohamed Askar grandfather boys Askar in the second century of migration they
live around Mount Alhaanbe any prophet Isaiah tell them that they are brothers family of Mohammed
, peace be upon his family and him from Abraham Allah bless him and his family and him and This continues to
speak circulating reduce today have. These tribes located in all
Muslim areas in Algeria in liquefied salt and appointed appointed the greenest in Adrar
and there are in Saudi Arabia Besha.
Eastern Province discharge state in Jordan, Hush and know there
Aldelhma and Alhanaderh. Tribe boys greets the governorates of Sohag and Qena Called them this name before the birth of Christ because they were refusing all dialogue religious clinging commandments Messenger of Allah Musa Allah bless him and his family and him. they Pharisees word of Aramaic meaning "isolated" is one of the categories the Jews three main opposes the other two categories categories Sadducees and Alosinyin, either from the And they say faith extent and collecting between him and the human free will. They believe in the immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body and the presence of life (Acts 23: bonus rights and punished in the afterlife, according to Salah his ground or corruption. and Mmenhm today. Alslatunaih and the Alsoalehih and Alinkakaaah and Alhreicheh and boys Ahmed and Alqtavih and Akhmarh. they are present in Tunisia and Algeria. also present in Sabhh Libya .elephants. or elephants. indicates a number of historians modernists to access numbers of Jews in the early stages. They said that a group of Philae, which settled in Egypt for a period of time was forced to leave I went south, and may have been set up in different parts of Sudan. and out of this group of State Kasserine They were nomads over time from Spain before the Conquest and after the west to the Levant in the east. has been with the Prophet David peace be upon him. Among them were a hero of David named Oleval rate them. came in. Chronicles first 11:35 a.m. . 34 Banu Hashim Aldzona, Jonathan Ben Hajay Herara, 35 Okhiam bin Sakar Herara, Oleval Ben Orr, and their origin before the advent of Prophet Dawood were in Vilipfil Skidh today. including Hajji and Algersla and Mubaraki and rural areas and Alqurmaiti proportion of Carmatians and Osode and Zebhi or Debbie قسومي and Shabani are deployed on Full Muslim areas , especially Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Iraq as well as in some African cities . and entered into an alliance Shiites since a state Idrisids in Morocco and were around each home in their solution tendon their situation and they seemed nomads in roundtrip from Morocco to Tunisia until settled in the country of Tarshish and cellar with all of housing them this title combined them and the Arabs and the family home is Alvrchih proportion to the land of Tarshish. As directed Shiites from Tunisia forcibly emigrated, mostly to the east of them settled in Egypt , Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and most immigrants settled in Iraq are Shia Iraq today. Baash Baissa. Jabez Basia bin royal bin Otnaa bin Zerah Adaiah bin Ethan Ben crisis son of Shimei Ben urges Ben Gershom, the son of Levi, son of Jacob Ben Yitzhak Ben Ibrahim .. they said in the Bible.Hebrew name was probably meant "work Jehovah" is Levi Jurscna of Slfa Asaph (1 any six forty) has been received that name in some manuscripts and translations of old are «Maaseiah». Jabez 1 - a man of Judah called his mother Bieis, because they bore the pain. was more honorable than his brothers, and begged God to extend his border, and that keeps it from evil , have won God's request (1 Chronicles 4: 9, 10). 2) first Chronicles 4: 9 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. And called his mother Jabez, saying: «Because Ibore him with sadness ». 3) Chronicles first 4: 10 called Jabez God of Israel , saying: «to Atk bless me, and expansion تخومي, and be your hand to me, and Thfezna of evil do not even tires me ». God came to what he asked. Some of them have stayed the vicinity of Jerusalem, which is the City of David , peace be upon him did not Avarkoha before captivity and after their experience Like Alhanaderh.